Archive for March, 2010

Imparare a scommettere sul Craps – Trucchi e Tattiche: condotta e Folklore

[ English ]

Purtroppo, una tavola di craps è solitamente piena di gente superstiziosa. Se si esegue o dire qualcosa di disapprovazione delle loro credenze stupide, a volte ti guarda male o verbalmente abuso voi. Per evitare l'imbarazzo, scherno, e possibili scontri verbali con questi giocatori, imparare le loro superstizioni e contegno craps studio. So che è stupido giocare con nocciola superstizioni della gente, ma si vive molto più divertente al craps la tabella, se si fa.

Esecuzione di buona etichetta costituita da ricordare di essere affascinante per i concessionari. Non agitare loro lancio chip li, bump sui loro chip stacks, o colpa per il tuo sconfitte. Se si piscia fuori i rivenditori, come potrete amplificare il divertimento? E poi non è proprio bello. Il vostro comportamento amichevole potrebbe essere la cattura, la prima causa eccitazione l'intera tabella di più. (Suona come un grande momento per l'abbraccio di gruppo e un giro di Kumbaya.)

Indipendentemente da ciò che i cosiddetti "maestri dadi" e "craps re" scrivono sui loro siti internet, non c'è qualcosa come un sano "" craps fokelore. 1 superstizione non è più o meno credibili rispetto a qualsiasi altro. They'reThey sono tutti uguali – sciocco. Ma si musthave a tener conto loro o gli idioti al craps la tabella che credono veramente in loro possono rendere il vostro tempo al tavolo da craps orribile.

Rispettando un sacco di superstizioni gli idioti 'è cresciuto nelle politiche tradizionali al craps la tabella. Pertanto, si deve essere consapevoli e analizzarli. Questo è un altro obbligo di raccogliere le informazioni classificate di craps.

Ora lo sapete! Ricordo, diventa esperto su come scommettere sul craps la strada giusta.

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Aprenda a apostar a los dados – Trucos y Tácticas: Conducta y Folclore

[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

Lamentablemente, una mesa de dados es generalmente llena de gente supersticiosa. Si realiza o decir cualquier cosa de desaprobación de sus creencias tontas, que a veces te mira mal o abusar de usted verbalmente. Para ayudar a evitar la vergüenza, burlas, y los posibles enfrentamientos verbales con estos jugadores, conocer sus supersticiones y dados estudio de comportamiento. Sé que es tonto para jugar junto con las supersticiones de nuez de la gente, pero será la experiencia mucho más divertido en la mesa de dados si lo hace.

Realizar una buena etiqueta consiste en recordar a ser amable con los distribuidores. No agitar ellos lanzando fichas en ellos, protuberancia en su recuento de fichas, o culpar a ellos por sus derrotas. Si molestar a los distribuidores, ¿cómo va a ampliar su disfrute? Además, no sólo es agradable. Su comportamiento puede ser fácil la captura, provocando la emoción antes de la mesa más. (Suena como un gran momento para el abrazo de grupo y una ronda de Kumbaya.)

Independientemente de lo que los llamados "dados los maestros" y "dados los reyes", escriben en sus sitios de Internet, no hay tal cosa como la cuerda un "" craps fokelore. 1 superstición no es más o menos creíble que cualquier otra. They'reThey son todos iguales – tonto. Pero musthave a prestar atención a ellos o los idiotas en la mesa de dados que realmente creen en ellos puede hacer que su tiempo en la mesa de dados horrible.

La observancia de una gran cantidad de supersticiones de los idiotas 'se ha convertido en las políticas tradicionales en la mesa de dados. Por lo tanto, usted debe tener en cuenta y analizarlas. Esa es otra obligación de recoger la información clasificada de los dados.

Ahora ya lo sabes! Recuerde, se convierten en expertos en cómo apostar en los dados de la manera correcta.

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Apprenez à parier sur le Craps – Tricks and Tactics: Conduite et folklore

[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

Malheureusement, une table de craps est généralement plein de gens superstitieux. Si vous effectuez ou dire quelque chose de désapprobation de leurs croyances stupides, ils vous donnent parfois des regards mauvais ou abuser verbalement vous. Pour aider à éviter la gêne, se moquer, et d'éventuels affrontements verbaux avec ces acteurs, d'apprendre leurs superstitions et craps étude de comportement. Je sais que c'est stupide de jouer avec les superstitions de noisette des gens, mais vous ferez l'expérience beaucoup plus de plaisir à la table de craps, si vous le faites.

Performing bonne étiquette se compose de se souvenir d'être charmant aux concessionnaires. Ne pas agiter les puces en jetant sur eux, bosse sur leurs piles de jetons ou de les blâmer pour vos défaites. Si vous emmerder les concessionnaires, comment allez-vous amplifier votre plaisir? D'ailleurs, il n'est tout simplement pas gentil. Votre comportement amical mai être prise, provoquant l'excitation bientôt toute la table plus. (Cela ressemble à un grand moment pour l'étreinte de groupe et une série de Kumbaya.)

Indépendamment de ce que l'on appelle les «maîtres de dés» et «Craps rois», écrivent sur leurs sites Internet, il n'existe pas de tel qu'une saine »« Craps fokelore. 1 superstition est ni plus ni moins crédible que les autres. They'reThey sont tous les mêmes – Silly. Mais vous musthave de tenir compte de eux ou les idiots à la table de craps qui croient réellement en eux peut faire de votre temps à la table de craps horrible.

Le respect de beaucoup de superstitions, les idiots »se soit développée dans les politiques traditionnelles à la table de craps. Par conséquent, vous devez être conscients de les analyser. C'est une autre obligation de ramasser les informations classifiées de craps.

Maintenant vous savez! Rappelez-vous, devenu versé dans la façon de parier sur craps la bonne façon.

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Learn to Bet on Craps – Tricks und Taktik: Verhalten und Folklore

[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

Leider ein Craps-Tisch ist in der Regel voll abergläubischen Leute. Wenn Sie oder führen Sie sagen ablehnend ihrer Überzeugungen albern, manchmal geben Sie schlechte Blicke oder beschimpfen Sie. Um Verwirrung zu vermeiden, Spott, und möglichen verbalen Auseinandersetzungen mit diesen Akteuren, lernen ihren Aberglauben und Studium scheißt Haltung. Ich weiß, es ist töricht zu spielen, zusammen mit nussigen Aberglauben der Menschen, aber Sie werden viel mehr Spaß am Craps-Tisch kommen, wenn Sie zu tun.

Performing guten Umgangsformen besteht aus der Erinnerung zu sein reizend zu den Händlern. Haben sie nicht hetzen durch das Werfen Chips auf sie, Bump über ihre Chip-Stapel, oder die Schuld für Ihre Niederlagen. Wenn Sie sich verpissen die Händler, wie Sie Ihren Genuss zu verstärken? Außerdem ist es einfach nicht schön. Ihr freundliches Verhalten kann ansteckend sein, bald wodurch die gesamte Tabelle mehr Spannung. (Klingt wie eine gute Zeit für die Gruppe Umarmung und eine Runde Kumbaya.)

Unabhängig davon, was so genannte "Würfel Meister" und "scheißt Könige" schreiben auf ihrer Internet-Seiten, es gibt nicht so etwas wie eine "gesunde" scheißt fokelore. 1 Aberglaube ist nicht mehr oder weniger glaubwürdig als die anderen. They'reThey sind alle gleich – albern. Aber Sie musthave für sie oder die Idioten auf dem Tisch, die glauben, wirklich in ihnen können Sie Ihre Zeit am Craps-Tisch schrecklichen machen zu beachten.

Getreu eine Menge Aberglauben der Idioten "hat sich in der traditionellen Politik auf dem Tisch gewachsen. Sie müssen daher bewusst sein und diese analysieren. Das ist eine andere Verpflichtung zur Abholung der Verschlusssachen Craps.

Jetzt weißt du! Denken Sie daran, im Umgang mit Wette auf bewandert werden scheißt der richtige Weg.

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Learn to Bet on Craps – Tricks and Tactics: the Recorded History of Craps

[ English ]

Dice and dice games go back to the Crusades, but current craps is only about 100 years old. Modern day craps evolved from the archaic British game named Hazard. No one knows for sure the ancestry of the game, but Hazard is believed to have been created by the Englishman, Sir William of Tyre, in the 12th century. It’s rumored that Sir William’s knights gambled on Hazard for the duration of a blockade on the fortification Hazarth in 1125 AD. The name Hazard was developed from the citadel’s name.

Early French settlers brought the game Hazard to Canada (the colony of Acadia, which is Nova Scotia today). In the 18th century, when exiled by the English, the French relocated south and happen upon refuge in the south of Louisiana where they a while later became Cajuns. When they departed Acadia, they took their favorite game, Hazard, with them. The Cajuns modernized the game and made it more statistically fair. It is said that the Cajuns amended the name of the game to craps, which was derived from the name of the losing toss of 2 in the dice game of Hazard, known as "crabs."

From Louisiana, the game migrated to the Mississippi riverboats and across the territory. Many think the dice maker John H. Winn as the father of modern day craps. In the early 1900s, Winn built the current craps table design. He added the Don’t Pass line so folks could bet on the shooter to lose. Later, he developed the areas for Place bets and added the Big six, Big 8, and Hardways.

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Wager on Games – Craps

[ English ]

Start to play games of casino craps and you may comprehend why I think it’s an incredible game to play. Casino craps offers you the most effective odds of winning in a gambling house, other than poker. Not only does craps give you the greatest shot of winning it also allows you reduce the casino’s edge considerably. Craps is an excellent solution to succeed large funds in the short period. Yes you can use slot machines but the odds are so stacked against you it is not even worth it. In pontoon the croupiers reshuffle the cards often so you cannot genuinely count cards. In american roulette the odds are entirely in the casino’s favor. Play games of casino craps at gambling establishments and you will have a good shot of walking away with a win.

The key to betting on casino craps is having self-control. Craps is really a game of streaks. You need to understand to load up on the scorching streaks and survive the cold streaks. With casino craps you are searching for the hot hand. Once you locate the hot hand or run it’s time to place bigger amounts of funds. There are lots of several methods for analyzing streaks. Come across a strategy that works best for you and work with it.

You should keep records on each time you gamble and monitor your overall performance. Keep in mind craps is often a game of runs and chasing after your wagers will most likely result in extra losses. A win is a win period, even if you just departed with Twenty dollars.

A couple of bets you need to stay away from are "hardaways", "elevens", and "any craps". These bets are stacked against you. These wagers are sucker bets utilized by the gambling establishments for players who do not know any much better. Hardaways are numbers that can made in pairs. For example, Four,Six,8 and 10. You win if the dice roll your numbers in a pair. For example 2-2 for that Four or 5-5 for that Ten and so on. You win with "elevens" when the dice roll an Eleven, if it hits anything else you lose. With "any craps" you win when the dice hit craps: 2,3 or Twelve. You lose if the dice hit any other number.

Competing in craps is a terrific method to succeed at gambling establishments and is actually a really easy game to discover. Numerous men and women get scared because in the large crap tables with all of the numbers on them. Don’t let this discourage you. Bet on games of craps online for free to get a much better understanding from the game.

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